To Whom may it concern,
This blog's made in order to restore Easyjet direct flight between Newcastle upon Tyne and Budapest.

The flight has been cancelled in the end of 2006 in spite of having many passengers. It was providing prompt and quick transportation for all those hungarian people who choose Newcastle upon Tyne to live, work or study. Also carrying English passengers looking for a pleasant short break in Hungary.
We would like to launch this petition hoping the fastest restoration of this great flight. There used to be 2 flights a week. All we want in the future is at least 1 flight a week.
We kindly welcome everyone who would be willing to sign up for this petition helping hundreds of people's journeys back home to their loved ones.
The results of the petition will be forwarded to Easyjet Airlines for consideration.
To sign the petition visit:
Many thanks,
Imre Petrohai
Peter Toth
Exactly...we NEED that flight...
Even if it would be just two , or three flights a week..
This flight was our only chance to get home as quick as it's possible if there was an emergency.
Oliver Kovacs
as soon as i heard about this alleged plan i catch my finger...
much to my regret it would be very uncomfortable, 'cause my best venerated friend living in nc upon tyne, and thus he will not able to come home easily - therefor i believe this commuter plane is a must
nobody knows what the future has in store, maybe i will use it for my own business..
tally ho, bring it on!
Malgorzata Kabat
Finally someone started to talk about this problem,thanks Imi:)
Richard Bocso
thx Imi, finally someone do something for our problem
ye we need that flight
otherwise how can i visit my friends, this is the EASYest way
email address:
Hi Gosia, petimi, furzsina szechi.
Lécciköszi állllíccccsátok má vissza azt a járatot. Anyagilag most le vagyok égve, aztán a magánrepülőmet is el kell adnom máááá. Há hogy megyke én ki má a haveremhez Angliábó má?
Béja nem mehet ki autóva má. Jajjj gyerekik. Ezt kell csináni-e?
Amúgy meg, magyarok vagyunk, vagy nem? Ezt együtt szokták csinálni, nem?
Na jó, a Malgorzata Jacket az nem magyar, de Ő rá is gondolunk.
:) Well, what can i say... I expected we not gonna take it too serious...
Never mind... We gonna make it formal and official. Solution is coming tomorrow.
Thx for the comments so far!
Akkor is lesz Ííízidzset, ha kell a kifutópályán nyomulunk, pirosfehérzöldben:)
Jó éjt.
Mondjon le! Mondjon le!
Lehetne ez az a forum...ahol nem viccelunk...hisz tenyleg mindenkinek erdeke, hogy vissza allitsak a jaratot.
Please restore the Newcastle-Budapest flight, I am travelling almost in every 2nd month to my family, and back to Newcastle. It takes so much more time and money to change flight,please, restore the easyjet fligt between Newcastle and Budapest!
Jozsef Szakadat
Karoly Csapo
Attila Bertok
Attila Nagy
Sebastian Nagy
Bela Palko
Zsuzsi Pavai
Kitti Kovacs
Eva Tamasi
Everybody who sign the petiotion here, please go to and put a signature here also.
Sorry that you have to do it two times but this second site is official and we have better chance at easyjet with that one.
Peter Wavruscha
Please restore the Newcastle-Budapest flight, I am travelling almost in every 2nd month to my family, and back to Newcastle. It takes so much more time and money to change flight,please, restore the easyjet fligt between Newcastle and Budapest!
Sorry. Mistake in the link.
Here it is again correctly:
Eva Perjes
Please put this flight back. When I received a job in the UK we chose this area because of the direct flight between NCL-BUD. It took about 5 hours to get home. Now it takes at least 8 hours or more, and long distance driving or travelling by train. Thank you for listening to us, and thank u Imi!
He Petykó!Szükségem van az EASYJET pesti járatára.Há hogy fogok én kijutni angolföldre repcsi nélkül?A hajózást nem bírom,már a balcsin is rámjött a rosszullét vizen,járni még nem tudok a víz felszinén,így csakis a repcsi jöhet szóba!Tiltakozzatok,vagy akár még blokádot is csinálhattok jóféle magyar módra!Most úgyis ez a menő itthon!
Remélem a hozzászólással ha csak egy kicsit is,de segítettem az ügyetekben!
igen, igen, kell:)
Igen igen kell az a járat, mindjárt indulnék Londonba.
We need it. It was the quickest, cheapest, most comfortable ever to Budapest.
yeah, we really need that flight.
eleg korulmenyes az atszallasos hazaut
Zoltan Marton
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