Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Awesome guide for travel junkies - Darkest secrets from a fired airline travel agent

This guy is absolutely awesome! He gets fired from his job for some nonsense little reason so he decides to expose everything on how to get the cheapest travel deals, discounted flight tickets, he tells all the dirty little tricks and tips you can use with any airline in the world.

He says: "This Guide Is My Revenge!"

"I've been threatened with legal action; I've been harassed with midnight phone calls; I've been begged and pleaded with; and when all else failed; they even tried filing damage charges against me for releasing confidential secrets to the public. I've even broken a career-long friendship with my boss in order to bring to you this mind-boggling guide. [To Paul if you are reading this: I am sorry, but I did tell you that firing me was one big mistake you'll later regret!]. They even tried to re-hire me earlier this year with an unheard-of 17% salary increase in a desperate attempt to make amends and stop me from offering this information. No thank you were my last words before I hung up the phone. I've spilled my heart out for the big airline corporations for over 16 years. Now, let me have a chance to be on your side."

I had a lot of fun reading this book and also learned enormous amount of useful information. First thing when I'm next time going to my home country that I try the given methods I got access to.

Good to know about tickets I have purchased so many times but I never knew why they are so expensive.

Click Here! to go to the official website of MY AIRFARE SECRETS.

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